Please click the button below to access the student handbook. This document details Polk County Christian School’s policies and procedures for PCCS students, parents, and faculty.

PCCS Student Handbook

General knowledge about PCCS, including our purpose, beliefs, accreditation, membership, and other relevant information can be found within the first few pages of this handbook. In summary, we, as a unit of and for believers in Christ, strive to provide an atmosphere designed for instructing and guiding children under direct Biblical and academic instruction. In connection with this information, you may wish to visit our Statement of Faith, Curriculum, and Mission & Vision pages. You will also find guidelines, expectations, and responsibilities for parent accountability and cooperation with PCCS. Because we need parent cooperation in order to support the school’s productivity and functionality, we have assigned a few requirements to parents of PCCS students as discussed within the handbook. Parent involvement is encouraged in order to also demonstrate leadership and service toward their children and other PCCS students. For more information about this subject, you can refer to the Parent Teacher Fellowship page.

Please refer to the handbook for other important matters, concerning (but not limited to) attendance, testing, emergencies, discipline, and grading. PCCS has certain expectations and policies regarding conduct, absence, and dress code, as discussed in this document. You can also refer to the handbook or the Tuition and Fees page for information about payment. For your convenience, there are many services Polk County Christian School has to offer, like Extended Care and school lunch purchases, in order to provide your children with the best care, environment, and learning experience.

For more information regarding the material in this handbook, please contact the main office.